Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tis the Season for Gifts: Vodka Infused with Citron, Orange, and Blackberries!

After discovering the amazing ingredient Citron (or Buddha's hand), I decided to try lot's of different meals and then thought.....gee, why not make some vodka infused with citron for extra flavor?! And since the holiday season is coming up, this might make a great gift depending on how it turns out.

So here's what you do.....


  • Choose some favorite fruits or ingredients to infuse with your vodka 
    • I chose citron (I did one jar with zest and one jar with the inside peel)
    • I also did one jar with the zest and thin slices of a fresh orange
    • One jar with blackberries and thin slices of oranges
    • You could also do cinnammon or rosemary or any other fruits or vegetables of interest
  • Choose your vodka
    • I went with a potato based vodka so that it's gluten free 
  • Get some mason jars or containers to seal the ingredients in
What to do:
  1. Put your zest and/or fruit ingredients thinly sliced into the jars. Don't be afraid to mix and match and make sure to put plenty in there so you get the flavor.
  2. Pour over with vodka to the top. 
  3. Seal the jar. 
  4. 3 times a day be sure to mix the ingredients so the flavors spread. 
  5. For the citron and orange jars...leave the fruits in the vodka for 3-5 days. Then strain into a fresh jar. 
  6. For the blackberry jar...leave for 7-10 days. Then strain into a fresh jar.
  7. Enjoy alone or in mixed drinks that compliment your flavors. These make great gifts!

Citron Infused Chicken and Tomatoes Over Portabella Stuffed Ravioli!


  • 1 chicken breast, diced into bite size pieces
  • 1/4 Citron (buddha's hand) or lemons if you need a substitute, zested
  • 2 fresh heirloom tomatoes, diced
  • 1/2 pint cherry heirloom tomatoes (variety), chopped in half
  • Pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 5 green onions chopped
  • EVOO
  • 1 package of organic portabella stuffed mushrooms or substitute for another noodle or spaghetti squash to make it gluten free
My prepared ingredients--Cooking tip: sometimes it's best if you chop and place in bowls in advance-makes the cooking experience much more enjoyable and less stressful). :)

What to do:
  1. Place the chicken in a bowl with 1/2 the zest and some citron juice and some pepper. Let sit for 15-20 minutes. 
  2. In a medium skillet, saute the onion, green onion, the other half of the citron zest, and garlic in 2 tbsp EVOO. Brown slightly. Then add the tomatoes. Place a lid on the skillet and continue cooking until tomatoes are tender. 
  3. Meanwhile, in another medium skillet, cook the chicken in 2 tbsp EVOO and brown the outside slightly. Cook until done. Set aside. 
  4. Boil some water and cook the noodles. Strain and set aside.
  5. On a plate, place the noodles, then top with the tomatoes combination, then top with some chicken. Serve it while it's hot. 
This is what Citron looks like:
